Rayne serves her clients from a broad perspective gained from her full-time experience in Real Estate counseling and sales since 1978. Rayne is very familiar with many of the neighborhoods along the 1-80 corridor cities of: Alameda, Berkeley, Oakland, Albany, El Cerrito, Richmond and Kensington, and more. As a matter of fact, Rayne has lived in, and enjoyed raising her family in those cities. Rayne has learned from her diverse clients that the special something for each of us in what makes a house a home is unique to each individual. She has helped families build wealth for future security by investing in income property one purchase at a time. Rayne is experienced in all types of transactions. Rayne has been through the challenging changes many different kinds of markets bring. She will be there as your Realtor through the changes the years will bring. You can be assured that the consistent growth that necessitates being an effective Realtor is something she will bring to the table. Her huge base of knowledge, experience and latest use of technology helps you achieve your goal. Rayne is a certified pre-foreclosure specialist by Partnersfirst, amd by AssetPlan, which are endorsed by leading financial lending institutions, including FannieMae to facilitate Short-sales and other options for Sellers. Rayne and her team will support you in, and will guide you through what will be an emotional journey at times, making sure we stay the course, safely to your destination.